Excavated Stories
- Lee Yeoungsup
The video showing how sculptor Lee creates his art, and what elements influence his art.
이영섭 조각가의 작품 세계와 그에게 영감을 준 작품에 대한 영감에 대한 영상.
The Little Prince At Semione
The clip of the Little Prince at Semione
세미원에 설치 되었던 대형 어린왕자 영상
Introduction of the Solo Exhibition at Gallery Marie - SBS News
SBS 뉴스에서 소개한 이영섭 작가님 전시 소개 영상 입니다.
Il Won Sang, the “One Circle Image" Installation Clip
일원상 설치 영상
2014 On Culture Club(SBS)
The life and works of sculptor Lee Yeongsup
was introduced on SBS broadcast called Culture Club(Episode 184). Enjoy the clip.
이영섭 작가님의 삶과 작업이 SBS 프로그램 컬처클럽에 소개 되었습니다. 즐거운 감상 하세요.
Copyright 2014. SBS all rights reserved.
* 본 영상의 저작권은 SBS에 있습니다.
2020 2448 문파인아츠 2인전
Sculptor Lee Yeongsup is invited to exhibit at 2448 Moon Fine Arts from 2020 Mary 21st ~ June 6th. Here is the exhibition video you can enjoy.
조각가 이영섭 작가님의 2020 2448 문파인아츠 2인전 전시 영상입니다. 즐겁게 감상하세요.
2020 Sinjeon Museum Opening Special Exhibition
2020 신전 뮤지엄 개관 초대 전시
Sculptor Lee Yeongsup is invited to exhibit for opening Sinjeon Museum 2020 May 1st ~ August 1st. Here is the exhibition video you can glimpse how the exhibition looks.
* The exhibition is extended to Oct 1st.
조각가 이영섭 작가님의 2020 신전 뮤지엄 개관 전시 영상 입니다.
* 전시가 2020년 10월 1일까지 연장 되었습니다.
2019 Special Exhibition Installation - MiChuhol Winter Market
2019 미추홀 윈터 마켓 작품 설치
Sculptor Lee Yeongsup is invited to install his magnificent works for 2019 Michuhol Winter Market. This clip shows Sculptor Lee installs his art pieces at Juan Plaza.
조각가 이영섭 작가님은 2019 미추홀 윈터 마켓에 초대를 받아 작품을 설치하게 되었습니다. 작품 설치 과정을 담은 영상을 소개합니다.
Special Exhibition - Tongdosa
통도사 특별 전시
The exhibition holed in Tongdosa, which celebrates Tongdosa's Unesco World Heritage - Lee Yeoungsup
통도사 유네스코 세계 문화 유산 등재 기념 특별 전시회 - 조각가 이영섭
The Time Coming From Soil
' Lee Yeoungsup Exhibition'
Broadcasted by BTN News
Introducing the 2020 solo exhibition with Gallery Marie.
BTN 뉴스에서 소개된 2020년 갤러리 마리의 개인전 소개
YTN News -
Spreading the beauty of Korea to the World
The video introducing Sculptor Lee's aspiration of art.
조각가 이영섭의 예술 작업을 통한 포부에 대한 인터뷰
Lee Yeoungsup Solo Exhibition_ Daegu , Jeon Gallery
Sculptor Lee discusses his art works, and life.
Lee Yeoungsup Solo Exhibition_ Seoul , Marie Gallery
Every piece of works is full of Korean beauty with adopting fragments of chosen dynasty Bunching. The space of works gives room for viewers to fill space with their own imagination.
The works seem like a bit rusty but they become the catalyst that communicates between past and present and sophisticated if deeply appreciated. Through his works, ancient tiles with inscriptions are sublimated in time.
Lee Yeoungsup Solo Exhibition - Busan
Intro video of Sculptor Lee's 2015 solo exhibition
Angel Fountain - 천사의 샘
Angel Fountain